Data: 23 May, 2018 (Wed)
Venue: 10 Anson Road, #34-08 International Plaza, Singapore 079903

The goal of firms is to create value through strategic decisions. Valuation techniques provide managers and market participants with the tools to evaluate and measure the effect of strategic decisions on firm value. In practice valuation is challenging because it requires modelling the future. These challenges are exacerbated in industries undergoing change due to new technologies or changing consumer behavior. We will consider these challenges focusing on the newspaper industry where the traditional business model has been disrupted by digital media, and by focusing on emerging industries like mobile apps and social network companies where it is difficult to apply traditional valuation techniques.
In this session, Prof Kasper Meisner Nielsen will use a Harvard Business School case "Buffett's Bid for Media General's Newspapers" to discuss:
Basic valuation tools and techniques
Practical application of valuation to business cases
Warren Buffett’s decision to invest in the newspaper industry in 2014
Valuation of apps and social network companies
What you can (and cannot) learn about business cases from valuation technique
There will be an introduction to MSGF program during the Sample Class.
Confirmed participants will be given the "Buffett's Bid for Media General's Newspapers"case in advance and are required to review the case prior to attending the class.
About the speaker

Professor Kasper Meisner Nielsen is Associate Professor at HKUST, and Academic Director of the HKUST-NYU Stern MS in Global Finance. He received his Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, and Ph.D. degrees in Economics from the University of Copenhagen. Professor Nielsen previously taught at The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Copenhagen Business School, and has been a visiting scholar at Stern School of Business at New York University.
Professor Nielsen's research interests are corporate governance, entrepreneurial finance, family business, and household finance. His research has featured in international newspapers and magazines including Business Week, Financial Times, Harvard Business Review, International Herald Tribune, The Economist, The Times of India, and Wall Street Journal. His work has been published in academic journals including The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Management Science, Review of Finance, Journal of Corporate Finance and Journal of Banking and Finance.
His research has been awarded with external financing from competitive research grants on several occasions. On his area of expertise Professor Nielsen has served as an external advisor, consultant, and lecturer to government agencies and companies in China, Denmark and Hong Kong.
1830 - 1900 Registration and Refreshment 1900 - 1910 Welcome and Introduction 1910 - 2030 Case Discussion 2030 - 2100 Q&A